Wednesday, March 19, 2008


It's that time of year again—time to elect your STC Montana officers for 2008-2009! I am looking for a volunteer to be the Elections co-Chair. Susan Ledford volunteered to coordinate the Nominations portion, but she's traveling for a month beginning in mid-April and cannot run the elections after the nominations.

Please consider volunteering for this low-risk and easy opportunity to help your chapter (and Susan!)

The time commitment is minimal. Each small task (instructions provided!) can be done right from your computer. It's really quite simple. As Susan's co-Chair, you will receive the confirmed nominations (with short biographical statements.) You’d then have the choice to either do an e-ballot via an email message or set up the election using Survey Monkey and send out the link in an email message.

If you choose the e-ballot via email route, we have sample emails drafted already. You’d tell me the results before our annual chapter dinner, Tuesday, May 20, in Butte.

Don't hesitate to take advantage of the opportunity to serve YOUR Chapter! Email me at hollik at greatharvest dot com

Last and Most Important
Considering our Chapter size and geographic challenges, we have had a GREAT year, so please be thinking of clever ways to say "YES!" to Susan when she calls on you to step up to run for a Chapter Officer position in April.

With the strong coordination and knowledge sharing among our officers this year, incoming 2008 - 2009 officers can count on an easy transition and lots of support to be successful.

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