Friday, June 12, 2009

What kind of a tech user are you?

I recently read an article on the CNN/Technology Web site that discussed whether or not people are suffering from Internet fatigue. In the article, the author talks about a report by PEW "called 'The Mobile Difference,' which places American adults into 10 different user types, depending on how they feel about information technology, what kind of information technology they have in their lives and how they use information technology in their lives." Then, the reader is asked to take the "what kind of tech user are you" quiz.

Well, I took the quiz and found out that I am a Media Mover. A media mover has a wide range of online and mobile habits and is bound to find or create an information nugget, such as a digital photo, and pass it on. These social exchanges are central to his or her use of information and communication technology. Cyberspace, as a path to personal productivity or an outlet for creativity, is less important.

Go take the quiz at at and let us know your type. Are you a Digital Collaborator, Ambivalent Networker, Roving Node, Desktop Veterans, Drifting Surfer, Information Encumbered, Mobile Newbie, or Technology Indifferent. Reveal....