Friday, August 28, 2009

Wikipedia: No Longer the Wild West???

Wikipedia is adding a layer of oversight to its system! It is going to try to assign editors to some of its entries. These volunteers would have to approve public edits before they are published to English-language stories about living people.

Repent. The End is Near. Crowds of people can no longer create the news, share information, and collaborate on online projects. Or so some people say while others see the change as a sign that these communities of online volunteers are getting more complex, and they need more rules.

Go to to read the whole story.

I know that in my technical writing class, I cringe when a student tells me they found the information on Wikipedia. The old IT adage comes back to me: garbage in, garbage out. Maybe some controls are in order to give Wikipedia posts more credibility because I don't trust the accuracy and correctness of the entries. As the article points out, entries about Ted Kennedy and Robert Byrd falsely stated both U.S. Senators had died (this was before Ted Kennedy actually did die).

I'm not a Facebook user, but for those of you who are, you might enjoy this article as well about the 12 types of annoying Facebookers.

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