Friday, November 7, 2008
Anonymous Anger Rampant on Internet
If anyone is looking for a masters or doctorate thesis, it would be fun to study the blogging and social media communication tools and the role of anonymity in how we interact with each these days. At the "job jar" meeting we discussed e-mail and its litigious nature (I love that word!), and I think online communication does give one a sense of freedom to express yourself any way you like without boundaries.
I know I sometimes find myself tapping away on my keyboard to compose an e-mail without giving it much thought about where it might land and who it might affect. As the article points out, MySpace and FaceBook have destroyed lives because of online postings. I have become more cautious in recent days about my use of e-mail and have even gone backward a bit to picking up the phone to have an actual conversation with my co-workers. It's kind of nice.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Comparing Open Source CMS
At our dinner meeting in Butte a few weeks ago, Brandi mentioned she uses DotNetNuke at work. I use Drupal.
I especially like the line in the article “'Drupal developers are in pretty high demand, so we weren’t able to staff up as quickly as we would have liked,' he noted..."
I'm pretty sure I don't qualify as a developer yet, but I'm working on it!

Friday, October 10, 2008
Technical Communications Lab Updated at Montana Tech
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Proposal Guide Podcast by Our Own Larry Newman
Here's the link:
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
STC Dinner in Butte
When: Tuesday, May 20. 6:00 pm
Where: Broadway Cafe in Butte
Vanessa Murray, a technical communications graduate student at Montana Tech, will present her project on the Clark Fork Watershed Education Program (CFWEP). She's helping to create a fundraising campaign and grant-writing program for CFWEP.
We'll also announce the election winners at the dinner, and I hear rumors of door prizes!
RSVP to Ruthmeri Gleason.
Monday, March 31, 2008
It's a fuzzy, fuzzy world
Could you still do your job if you couldn't see?
I had to ask myself this question this morning when I decided to go back to work today after having PRK surgery last Thursday. Friday I was nearly blind, Saturday I could see enough to figure out which toothbrush was mine, and Sunday I could finally open the window blinds and let some sunlight in.
I took a cautious peek at the newspaper this morning- I could read again!!! The words had to be within 12 inches of my face, but it was progress! I went to work.
The first thing I did was turn on all the low vision accessibility options on my computer- high contract fonts, the Windows Magnifier, increased text sizes in browsers, and anything else I could think of. I then had to prioritize what absolutely had to get done and what could wait, since I knew I only had a few good hours of eyesight today before my eyes are exhausted. Apparently, posting to the STC Montana blog made the list. I know my eyes will get better, slowly, but in the meantime I am gaining a whole new appreciation for web usability guidelines.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Please consider volunteering for this low-risk and easy opportunity to help your chapter (and Susan!)
The time commitment is minimal. Each small task (instructions provided!) can be done right from your computer. It's really quite simple. As Susan's co-Chair, you will receive the confirmed nominations (with short biographical statements.) You’d then have the choice to either do an e-ballot via an email message or set up the election using Survey Monkey and send out the link in an email message.
If you choose the e-ballot via email route, we have sample emails drafted already. You’d tell me the results before our annual chapter dinner, Tuesday, May 20, in Butte.
Don't hesitate to take advantage of the opportunity to serve YOUR Chapter! Email me at hollik at greatharvest dot com
Last and Most Important
Considering our Chapter size and geographic challenges, we have had a GREAT year, so please be thinking of clever ways to say "YES!" to Susan when she calls on you to step up to run for a Chapter Officer position in April.
With the strong coordination and knowledge sharing among our officers this year, incoming 2008 - 2009 officers can count on an easy transition and lots of support to be successful.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Neck and neck!
I'll admit, since I am originally from Eastern Iowa, I've got a personal agenda on this one. However, we could win 4 free registrations to the STC annual conference in June!
Renew now!